Social media users feel 'ugly, inadequate and jealous'
Two in five young people acknowledge that they would be happier if they used social media less
Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are making users feel ugly, inadequate and jealous, according to new research by the disabled charity Scope.
In a poll of around 1,500 social media users, 62 per cent said that these sites made them feel inadequate about their own life or achievements, and 60 per cent said they make them feel jealous of other people’s lives.
Although many people said they feel amused or better connected to other people when they use social media, nearly a third said that they actually feel lonely when they look at their social media feed.
People between the ages of 18 and 34 are nearly three times as likely to admit to being ‘addicted’ to social media as other users, even though almost half of respondents in this age group said that their social media feed makes them feel ugly or unattractive.
Two in five young people acknowledged that they would be happier if they used social media less. Over half of 18-34 year olds say that they have been tempted to stop using social media completely, and 45 per cent say that they would like to shut down their social media accounts, but it’s too hard to stay in touch with people without them.
26 Temmuz 2014 Cumartesi
Social media users feel 'ugly, inadequate and jealous'
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